Palteca Best App to Learn Spanish Screenshot

Learn Spanish through proven methods

Palteca is the best app to learn Spanish through methods that are fun, engaging, and interactive. Palteca's methods are backed by science.

Palteca Best App to Learn Spanish Penguin

Stop Wasting Time With Other Language Learning Apps

Learn how locals actually talk

Many apps teach poorly translated phrases from English-centric phrases. Palteca is 100% in Spanish from Day 1, allowing you to sound more natural.

Practice with real world situations

Don’t waste your time learning outdated phrases and unrealistic scenarios. Learn Spanish for real-life situations with regularly updated content with real people.

Learn how to learn a foreign language

Learning Spanish takes time. There are many things you can do to make your time learning more efficient. Palteca offers real-advice on how you can acquire Spanish faster in and out of the app.

Learn words that are relevant to you

It would take you 25+ years to learn every word that exists in the Spanish language. With Palteca, you will learn only the words and phrases that are relevant and important to you, and at the right time.

Go at your own speed

Perhaps you are very busy and can’t commit much time, or inversely, you have the entire summer free to learn Spanish. Whatever your case, Palteca’s method works to ensure you learn and retain Spanish for the long-term.

Proven methods. Backed by science

While Palteca is a relatively new app, the science is not. Palteca’s teaching methodologies are backed by dozens of scientific studies, regularly tested and started back over 50 years ago. Learn the science behind Palteca’s Method

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